Сетевое издание
«Навигатор в мире науки и образования»
Регистрация СМИ: ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 73719 ОТ 21.09.2018. |
Сетевое издание |
Online publication «The navigator in the world of science and education» |
Учредитель – Галкина Александра Ивановна |
Founder – Alexandra Galkina |
Фамилия инициалы главного редактора – Галкина А.И. |
Last name initials of the editor-in-chief – Galkin A. I. |
Адрес электронной почты редакции: Номер телефона редакции: |
E-mail address of the editorial office: Editorial office phone number: |
Возрастное ограничение
Age limit
Дополнительная информация |
ОФЭРНиО и НЭБ (Национальная электронная библиотека)
Russian index of scientific citing
Требования к оформлению материалов
Requirements to registration of materials
Materials have to have accurately expressed structure and without fail include the following sections:
• UDC,
• name of article (Russian and English languages)
• information on authors: Full name, city, country, e-mail (Russian and English languages)
• summary (Russian and English languages)
• main text of article
• bibliography (Russian and transliteration)
It is allowed AFTER the summary, but BEFORE the main text to add the section "Additional Information"
Information on authors may contain in addition: SPIN-code, ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID:
The summary is provided by authors in an expanded look. Volume: not less than 350 and no more than 1800 signs (with gaps). In the summary the work purpose, its novelty have to be accurately defined, the main conclusions are presented. Language – Russian.
The section "Additional Information" may contain thanks, information on sponsorship and other data relating to the state-of-the-art review. The volume of this section – no more than 2000 characters with spaces.
The main text of article has to be structured according to sections. The structure of the text has to correspond to the standard template and contain sections: introduction (relevance), purpose and tasks, main part, conclusions.
Tables should be placed in the text of article, they have to have enumerated heading and accurately designated columns convenient and clear for reading. These tables have to correspond to figures in the text, however shouldn't duplicate information provided in it. References to tables in the text are obligatory.
Drawings have to be contrast and accurate. Each drawing has to be placed in the text and be followed by the enumerated caption signature. References to drawings in the text are obligatory.
The bibliography has to contain bibliographic data on all publications mentioned in article and shouldn't contain instructions for works for which in the text there are no references. The quoted literature is given by the general list at the end of article as a mention. Bibliographic references in the text of article should be given in square brackets. If the reference is given on a concrete fragment of the text of the document, serial number and pages are specified in sending. Data are divided by a comma. For example, [10, page 81].
The authors presenting works to this heading are recommended to show knowledge of contents of the previous issues of magazines ОФЭРниО – "Chronicles of the joint fund of the electronic resources "Science and Education" and "Navigator in the World of Science and Education" and to use those publications which promote improvement of contents of the submitted article.
The author in accordance with the established procedure has to refer to the used articles of magazines ОФЭРниО in the text of article and include them in the list of references. Implementation of this requirement will demonstrate the evidence-based choice of the "Navigator in the World of Science and Education" magazine for the publication of the state-of-the-art review.
The list of references in Russian is made out according to GOST P 7.05-2008. It is possible to automate process of a transliteration, having used the software which is available to the address www.translit.ru (in the revealing Options list to choose BGN option).
In this section the materials describing the developments which are already registered in ОФЭРНиО are located. Materials have to have accurately expressed structure and without fail include the following sections:
• UDC,
• the name of practice – the name RTO (the Russian and English languages)
• information on authors: Full name, city, country, e-mail (Russian and English languages)
• the main text (the expanded version of already registered RTO is allowed);
• bibliography (Russian and transliteration)
Information on authors may contain in addition: photo of the author, brief curriculum vitae (no more than 0,5 pages of the A4 format, TNR 14 font, interval: 1,5) SPIN-code, ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, etc.
The summary is provided by authors in an expanded look. Volume: not less than 350 and no more than 1800 signs (with gaps). In the summary the work purpose, its novelty have to be accurately defined, the main conclusions are presented. Language – Russian.
The main text has to be structured according to sections. The structure of the text has to contain sections: introduction, purpose and tasks, main part, conclusions, information on development introduction.
If in the text there are tables, then they have to have enumerated heading and accurately designated columns. These tables have to correspond to figures in the text, however shouldn't duplicate information provided in it. References to tables in the text are obligatory.
Drawings have to be contrast and accurate. Each drawing has to be placed in the text and be followed by the enumerated caption signature. References to drawings in the text are obligatory.
The bibliography has to contain bibliographic data on all publications mentioned in the text and shouldn't contain instructions for works for which in the text there are no references. The quoted literature is given by the general list at the end of article as a mention. Bibliographic references in the text of article should be given in square brackets. If the reference is given on a concrete fragment of the text of the document, serial number and pages are specified in sending. Data are divided by a comma. For example, [10, page 81].